Gun Font

About Gun Font

Gun is a Revisionist Western-themed video game released in 2005.

The font used for the game title on the box art is probably Friz Quadrata Bod, a display font originally designed in a single weight by Swiss designer Ernst Friz for VGC in 1978 and the bold weight was produced by VGC and ITC later. More details about it can be found here.

Download Friz Quadrata Font

The Friz Quadrata font identified above is not available for free, please follow the link above and purchase a font license to download and use the font. Meanwhile, you can take a look at our collection of fonts for cars, pop music and apparel as well as round-ups of new & fresh fonts around the web.

Friz Quadrata Typeface in Use

In addition to Gun, Friz Quadrata typeface is also used in the following logos, movie posters or album covers, etc., including: Opera Sauvage, Shakespeare in Love, Paladins (video game), Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel, Anti Social Social Club, League of Legends, Center Point Road, Fujitsu, Black Flag, Uprising, True North, Honey, Ben-Hur (film), Tarzan, Westin.

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