American History X Font

About American History X Font

american history x film poster_m

American History X is a 1998 American crime drama film telling the story of two brothers who become involved in the neo-Nazi movement. The film stars Edward Norton, who earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for his performance in the film.

The font used for the film title in the poster is very similar to Friz Quadrata, a glyphic serif typeface designed by Ernst Friz and Victor Caruso. The first weight of the typeface was created by Ernst Friz and made its first international appearance with the design release of Visual Graphics Corporations. You can view more details about the typeface here.

Download Friz Quadrata Font

The Friz Quadrata font identified above is not available for free, please follow the link above and purchase a font license to download and use the font. Meanwhile, you can take a look at our collection of fonts for cars, pop music and apparel as well as round-ups of new & fresh fonts around the web.

Friz Quadrata Typeface in Use

In addition to American History X, Friz Quadrata typeface is also used in the following logos, movie posters or album covers, etc., including: Opera Sauvage, Erdinger Logo, Ben-Hur (film), How Could Hell Be Any Worse, Shakespeare in Love, True North, Gun, Uprising, League of Legends, Taco del Mar, Black Flag, Anti Social Social Club, Honey, Moncler Logo, Tarzan.

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